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Chris Vercruysse (°1971) - contemporary drawing

Chris follows drawing classes at the Sint-Lucas Academy in Ghent. He works with Indian ink and uses bamboo brush and/or pen, charcoal and pastel. The ink is applied in various dilutions to the prepared or unprepared paper, whereby the layering provides depth. The outlet he found in drawing can be read in the emotion/visual language that speaks from the cavities, holes or passages that characterized his early work.  These cavities are used to help drawing/expressing emotions of pain, disgust, sadness, wonder and happiness.  They symbolize the possibility of change in emotional, mental and physical live of people. Nowadays he mostly likes drawing colourful portraits, self-portraits and portraits of people he knows or met. He combines colour with the prepared structure of a textural carrier into quirky, talking portraits of people, celebrating their diversity in appearance and character.


September 2022, VERLEDEN, Nobody & Friends, Antwerpen

September 2021, D'OVERKANT, Nobody & Friends, Antwerpen


+32 495 12 63 89

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